The Business of Business : Austin Podcast (Navigating the Digital Space)

Eileen Keller: Navigating the Digital Space

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eileenavatar.jpg CEO Eileen Keller explains how the internet has impacted business and discusses how individuals and companies can navigate and conduct business in the digital space.

“It’s not about just reaching people, it’s about talking to the right people, at the right time, at the right place, and for the right amount of money. Sometimes we can find a direct, use almost like a memetic or social DNA match between your people and a medium…”

The Business of Business : Austin Podcast (Fundamentals of Advertising)

Eileen Keller: Fundamentals of Advertising

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eileenavatar.jpg CEO Eileen Keller discusses what small businesses should look for when starting to advertise including different forms of media to use, how much to budget and whether to do it in-house or to hire outside assistance.

“…this fragmentation has changed how we distribute the money. We don’t go for a whack-a-mole type of advertising, just hitting people over the head over and over. We need to talk to a specific group of people, your friends and family… we go for all the points of reference.”